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My first 3 months as a digital apprentice at BDB

Over the past few months working with BDB, I have learnt so many new interesting things and have really broadened my skillset. For example, I’ve been trained on how to use Photoshop and become familiar with the various ways to use the software. I usually use Photoshop when helping to edit different images and logos for the BDB website and client websites.

I love being able to test and work on the social media campaigns we work on at BDB, it’s showed me that there is more than one side to a well working business.  I have become experienced in producing and scheduling tweets via Hootsuite, that will capture the attention of target audiences, and create engagement.

Another topic I have learnt about whilst working at BDB is the hard work that goes into creating websites to cater to our clients’ needs. We start with team meetings to pull together ideas, then draft designs and create wireframes. I’ve been helping design wireframes and have really enjoyed getting to know the methods and skills involved.

Being able to see and work on different aspects of the business is my favourite part of working within the BDB team, as I am able to learn about a vast range of topics. There is still so much to discover and I’m looking forward to being taught further skills by the many talented people in the office. I’m in a great position to see what they work on, get to know about their different roles and how they go about making sure the best job is done, to maintain the positive and successful relationships we have with our clients. If I thought the last 3 months were good, I can’t wait for the next 3!


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