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Research, without it how can you know what your audience are looking for or why? BDB values research highly as the foundation from which entire strategies and campaigns can be built. It helps define the direction, the purpose or the challenge we’re looking to overcome. Our in-depth research capabilities are unrivalled, so you can be assured your audience is who you think they are, can be found where we expect them to be and consume media in patterns we have already identified and validated. 


Gathering insights as part of the research process for a campaign can help your business identify where your competitive advantage lies and give you an area on which to focus your efforts. We can assist you in conducting focus groups and surveys, developing personas and creating messaging frameworks that speak to your markets with individual relevance, all to make sure you’re talking to the right people and to get a handle on the dynamics of the market you’re moving in.


It’s one thing gathering data, but what about interpreting and using it to improve your marketing efforts? Our team, with their analytical mindset demystify the data, giving it meaning and purpose. Through techniques including phone interviews, desk research, online analytics and surveys we’ll get to the bottom of what your customers are really think, are looking for, and where the best market opportunities exist.


To be able to report on and derive meaningful insight from research and data it is crucial to have a clear vision of what the marketing activity in question is aiming to achieve. That’s why at BDB we ensure that prior to the start of any project, we have a clearly defined framework of objectives and measures. These can be quantitative or qualitative, or be made up of net promotor scoring, voice of customer surveys or brand tracking – making sure that all the results identified and recorded are based on outcomes not outputs.

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