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Positive internal communications can be a big contributing factor to increased staff retention, productivity and profitability. When your employees feel more connected, they’ll be motivated and committed to the development of the wider business. From the development of employee value propositions to the management of global brand activation across multiple offices, BDB can offer advice on how best to keep your team engaged, focused and informed about your overarching business goals.


What characterises you as an organisation? What do you offer your employees in return for the skills, attributes and experience they bring to the company? At BDB, we help other businesses define their value proposition, the benefits offered and the culture shaping everything from employee motivation to wider decision making. By outlining your mission and why it should matter to the top talent in the industry, we’ll help ensure your business is chosen by employees that share your values and vision.


How do you want your employer brand to be viewed? And when we say this, we don’t mean a product or service you sell, but instead your business, the team that make you and your place of work. All of these things, alongside your value proposition create the reputation you have within your world. We help define these elements, from values, to personality, tone of voice and visualisation to ensure all touchpoints engage and interact seamlessly.


An understanding of employee engagement is a fundamental part of any successful business operation. By understanding your employees, their commitment to the organisation’s reputation and interests and supported by a defined mission, we help you nurture and build relationships to ensure your staff feel empowered to become brand advocates both within and outside the workplace.


If you’re looking to grow the next generation of successful employees within your business, we can help you streamline your efforts by creating programs that engage, educate and challenge them to grow both personally and professionally. Using training and collaboration platforms like Showpad or Slack, we will help you increase staff retention, productivity, employee self-development and esteem.

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