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Presenting the power of colour in my first month at BDB

As an intercultural business psychology student from Dortmund, Germany, I was given the opportunity to take a few months away from studying to seek work experience and develop my skills. After looking far and wide, I decided Manchester would be the perfect fit to broaden my cultural horizons, so I pursued an internship in the region. Soon after, I was accepted as an intern at BDB – a leading international marketing communications consultancy.

From day one, I realised that the journey from Germany to Manchester had been worth it, and I’m glad I took on the challenge! The warm welcome I received has made me feel right at home. I discovered there is scope to broaden my skills and learn from people that are exceptional at what they do.

Although I evidently have a lot to learn, I also thought it would be great to share my own experiences with my BDB colleagues. An opportunity arose during one of the company’s monthly ‘Eureka’ team meetings – an inspiring session that encourages people to share ideas and news within the business.

Here, I held a presentation on a topic I’ve studied: the psychology of colours. Colour has a powerful influence on the human psychology and can be used as an effective marketing tool, influencing emotions in a way that only a few mediums can. I presented the importance of colours used in branding, logos and websites. I also summarised the interesting impact that red has on people, including raising pulse rates. I chose to focus on red because it is BDB’s colour, and it is also the most powerful colour you can choose for your brand. The team were intrigued in the insights and how colour can play a part in building clients’ brands and reputation.

Aside from how great it feels to be given this kind of opportunity, it is encouraging to see that people in the office really appreciate what I’m doing and value my work. I’m looking forward to learning more and seeing what the future holds for me here at BDB!

If you would like a career at BDB, please get in touch at [email protected].

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