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Ten years in the running: the Manchester 10K

BDB will once again be running the Great Manchester Run on Sunday 20th May – to raise money for its chosen charity, Seashell Trust, helping to support young people with complex and severe learning difficulties.  

For the tenth year in a row, BDB will be racing through the streets of Manchester, on a 10km course designed to take in the best of the city’s views. The four-strong team will be running past sights, including the Old Trafford football stadium and the Imperial War Museum, before a triumphant finish on Deansgate in front of the Beetham Tower skyscraper.  

The Great Manchester Run comes following a year of philanthropic sporting events in 2016 in aid of Seashell Trust, including Rough Runner, the Colour Run and the Northwich Rotary Club Swimathon. The team is continuing its charitable efforts this year too – with the aim of raising £3,000 by the end of 2018. Last year, BDB won the ‘small business category’, with an impressive combined time of 3:40:05.  

“Running the Great Manchester 10K has become a BDB tradition; a team has taken part in the event every year for the past 10 years. Following 2017’s fantastic efforts, we’re looking forward to another great day – and hopefully raising even more money for Seashell Trust. We’ve already received over £1,700 for the charity, and we hope that this run will provide a further push in our fundraising activity. Good luck to everyone taking part!” comments Matt Smith, CEO at BDB.  

We appreciate any support you can provide – please visit our Virgin Money Giving page to sponsor the BDB team, or stay updated about our upcoming fundraising activities. 

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