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Three key takeaways from FiE 2017

Every two years, over 20,000 professionals from across the global food and beverage industry gather at Food Ingredients Europe (FiE) to discover the latest innovative products and services available to the market. This year, we attended the three-day exhibition in Frankfurt to provide press support for a number of our clients. As well as the extra pounds we accumulated from tasting the delicious samples on show, we gained some interesting insights into the key trends currently influencing the industry, which we have shared below:

1. Clean label dominates

It wouldn’t be a food show review if we didn’t mention the clean and clear label trend. Over the past couple of years, these terms have continued to drive the industry, with manufacturers increasingly creating products with simpler labels and more natural ingredients. At FiE, we found that many companies are now adopting the clean label approach and providing complete transparency over the products and services they provide throughout their supply chain. Colours from natural sources, like vegetables and fruits, have opened up opportunities for manufacturers to deliver vibrant appearances while meeting free-from claims. For example, red beet was a popular ingredient at this year’s show, used as an effective solution for colouring sugar in confectionery.

2. Thinking outside of the box

Delivering new sensations through unusual flavours and textures was another key trend, which really stood out across the different markets. By combining ingredients that would not usually be compatible, manufacturers have managed to create unique and different taste experiences. For instance, at the exhibition we saw gelatin incorporated into cocktail beverages to create a bubbly texture that melts in the mouth. In the confectionery industry, there was a move towards the combination of sweet and savoury notes, with several interesting (and slightly questionable) products including salty liquorice and cheesy chocolate.

3. Packaging goes green

Striking, yet sustainable, packaging also seemed to be prevalent throughout the show. From across the food and beverage industry, companies are increasingly adopting formats that stand out, while embracing green initiatives. According to Mintel, the number of new product launches with bio-based/biodegradable packaging has tripled between 2012 and 2016, with more manufacturers using recyclable materials, such as paper and cardboard. Packaging which enables consumers to view the product has also been widely used across different markets to highlight authenticity of products and entice consumer interest.

BDB has extensive experience in providing support for industry trade shows from press support to stand design and marketing collateral to brand consultancy. If you would like to find out more on the services that we provide, please call us today on +44 (0) 161 925 4700 or email [email protected]

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